Covid Salon Updates

 This An Important But BIG Read So Get Yourself A Cuppa Or A Glass Of Wine!

Coronavirus - Your UK Hairdressers and Covid Safe Salon Life!

'Covid Safe Salon Life!' 

There is no doubt the world will be a very different place when we open our Kay and Kompany salon, with a firm focus on keeping our clients and our team safe.
"We think that just about, everyone is looking forward to their hairdressers reopening and we are too!"

"From very early on during lockdown it became clear how much people were missing their trip to the hairdresser – not just because of cuts and colour growing out but because of the social element and the hands-on contact that they cannot get elsewhere."

However, a visit to your favourite salon will be different because of the coronavirus. It will be a different kind of ‘Business as Usual!’

"We know at first, it may seem a little strange...a different feel in our K&Ko salon when we reopen - It may seem to be a little sterile, not like the ‘family living room’ feeling... which is usually, a little noisy, filled with friends, hugs, kisses, food and drinks, but warm, friendly caring vibes and Fabulous Hairstyles will still be with you all!"

"We hope to still hold a trusted place in your lives. A safe place where you can come in and relax, unwind and talk to us (from a social distance!) because we know sometimes Hair is secondary to that."

"And when our scissors have finally been put away, we hope to have made a difference to your day..." 

Following the publication of the UK Government's COVID-19 recovery strategy, hair salons / hairdressers in England re-opened on April 12th 2021
UK government guidelines for our hair salon industry were finally issued on June 24th (42 pages!). 

However, before the UK government’s June announcement and guidelines were issued, Kay and Elli were already extremely busy during lockdown in preparing to safeguard their clients and team.

We were closely monitoring other countries (and their government guidelines) where salons/hairdressers first reopened on 21st May 2020.

We saw and took note of the various other governments’ given set of rules and recommendations for the hair and beauty sector to follow. 

Also, that folks will want to maintain a level of Social Distancing, protect themselves by wearing MasksGloves, and only visit salons, which are observing high levels of Hygiene and taking precautions to avoid their Clients and Team from catching and Spreading the Coronavirus.

Below we have a few Changes for our clients and team to consider so that we are all prepared for The New Normal

These changes are likely to remain in place for several months and may even result in permanent changes to the face of the hair & beauty industry. We will use this time wisely and view it as an opportunity to reassess all that we do.

What Will The 'New Normal' Be Like in Our Kay and Kompany Salon?

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Our salon will have to take fewer daily clients to ensure safe social distancing, and clients will enjoy an end to end service at the hands of one stylist (and a junior assistant if needed).
Upon arrival, there will be a note on the salon window/door asking you to wait until you're called in.

Our stylist, wearing appropriate PPE kit will greet you with a friendly word and smiley eyes, but sadly, NO Handshake, Kiss or Hug - "We Love You, But We Can't Hug You Anymore!"

The client will be shown where to hang up their own coat. Their stylist will use the hand sanitizer and the client will be asked to follow suit. 

Sadly again, our salon will no longer be allowed to offer beverages or magazines and the client must arrive alone for their appointment (no children or pets).

The stylists will have to sanitize their styling tools and hands in front of the client. The new standards are set in place to safeguard our clients and team while they’re in our salon.

It is then off to the wash area, where social distancing continues to be applied, before returning to the styling station for a much needed Hair Colour & Cut!

When another client arrives and a second stylist appears, the stylist will follow the same health & safety procedures with their client. 

Our clients will note how responsible our salon is being as the second stylist wipes down the door handles, sprays the styling station, and cleans the wash area in preparation for a new client.

We hope, our clients will be delighted with the whole experience and tell all their friends that it is safe to get their hair done at our salon!

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Covid - Keeping You Safe - New Salon Rules

Please, before you visit us, we kindly ask you to read all the IMPORTANT sections below to guide you on our K&Ko Salons COVID-19 - Health & Safety Policies & Procedures, put in place to Safeguard us all
Thank you for patience and understanding 
We're looking forward to seeing you back in our salon chair soon.

Our Covid Safe Salon

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Our focus will be on keeping clients a safe distance apart and maintaining a spotless salon - We're doing this for everyone's safety.

"Let's Stay Safe Together!"
> There should be no more than 10 people in our salon at any one time (including our team) until recommendations have been lifted by the UK Government.

> We have created a front door sign encouraging people to ‘STOP - Do Not Enter Until You're Called In.

> Hand sanitizers will be placed strategically around our salon and in our toilet. 

> Our salon will be disinfected and kept spotless clean between clients.

> Sadly, magazines & newspapers will have to be removed and we will no longer be allowed to offer our clients refreshments or lunch/food. :( (Clients may bring their own refreshments).

> We have reorganizing our salon team Rota so they work in shifts. On a daily basis, there will now be fewer stylists/staff in the salon than we would normally have. This is to comply with the social distancing rules.

> In the first few weeks of reopening, we will be open for 7 days a week including, Sundays and a couple of late-nights. This is to accommodate as many of our clients as possible including, our team/staff new Rota's. It will also help with not overcrowding the salon.

> We will try to ensure our salon is adequately ventilated as this may reduce airborne droplets in the air.
We hope to position K&Ko as The BEST, safest salon to visit during the COVID-19 pandemic

We will continue to listen and welcome any feedback from our clients & team and adapt quickly, if further changes are required. 

Covid Safety - For Our Clients 

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Clients will want to see that our salon is acting professionally and focusing on keeping them safe. 

No one will want to see a busy overcrowded salon full of people 

"Let's Keep Each Other Safe!"

> We may ask you to sign an agreement stating you will observe the new rules that have been set in place at our salon.

> On arrival, clients will have their temperature taken and if they have a temperature, they must leave and will be instructed to contact their doctor. 

> Clients will be expected to wear/bring their own masks. No worries, if you forget your mask we will supply you with one.

> Our priority is to safeguard everyone visiting our salon. However, we know there are some circumstances for health, disability, age or equality reasons where people are not expected to wear masks.

Our salon is mindful and respectful of such circumstances, noting that some people are less able to wear face coverings and the reason for this may not always be visible to others - So NO Judgement or Mask Exemption questions will be asked.

To accommodate this, we have another room away from the main salon including a fabulous, outside GARDEN where clients can safely sit in comfort without a mask. We kindly ask others visiting our salon to join us in being mindful and respectful of such circumstances and we thank everyone for being understanding.

> Let's Flatten the Curve, please come alone - Please don't bring children, pets or others to your appointment.

> We will show our clients directly to a styling station. Only one client at any one time will be allowed to wait in our reception waiting area for their appointment.

> Any client arriving early for their appointment (or if your stylist is running behind schedule), we will ask the client to wait in their car or outside and we will call them in when their stylist is ready for them.

> We will seat clients so there is a free styling station and seat in between them. The same will apply to our wash area.

> We will provide our clients with disposable gowns & towels. If a client prefers us to use a non-disposable gown or towel, then freshly laundered ones will be available

> All clients will be asked to use hand sanitizer which will be visible and available upon your arrival.

> Need Products? Please ask your stylists. Please do not touch the retail products.
We will keep clients updated to make sure they understand the precautions we are taking, and advise them upon arrival the steps we have put in place regarding social distancing & hygiene.

Our Covid Safe Team

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Our Team are officially BARBICIDE & GSG Certified - Ready to safeguard our clients including themselves!

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We treat each of our team members individually; we appreciate and supported them all.

If any of our team feels unsure, uncomfortable about returning to work, fearing for their safety, then they decide whether they want to return to work or not. 

'NO Judgement' on their decision will be made by any one from our Team or K&Ko lady bosses, Elli & Kay.
> All our team have received up to date COVID Safe training, certification and understanding of proper sanitation, disinfection practice and procedures consistent with the current, highest industry standards.

> Our team understand the new way of working, how to answer client questions, and how to deal with unwell clients who turn up for their appointments.

> Our team will adhere and share with their clients our safe practice policy, social distancing and hygiene rules.

> The team will be kitted out with PPE.

> To help with avoiding cross-contamination. On arrival at work, our team will change into their work clothes/uniform. At the end of their shift, they will change back into their normal clothes. Their work clothes/uniform will be washed at 60 degrees before being worn again.

> Only 2 team members will be allowed in our kitchen/restroom at any one time - We will utilise our salon garden for team rest breaks. Including, any clients who would prefer to be in our garden.

> Team members will need to stay home or be sent home if they’re experiencing any Coronavirus symptoms such as a high fever and/or dry cough - We are taking our team members' temperature twice a day to test for a fever to reassure them, us and our clients.
We want to reassure you that we are acting responsibly and taking precautions in safeguarding you & our team.

Our Covid Safe Salon Kit

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Our salon has invested in PPE kits for our team including, reliable thermometers, & disinfectants. 

Our salon will be thoroughly sanitised throughout the day, disinfecting the key areas (door handles, credit card readers, WC areas). 
> Each styling station including, wash area and the hairdressers kit & tools will be sanitised between every client appointment.

> Each stylist will have his or her own tools. It will not be acceptable for them to borrow a colleague's kit.

> Our stylists will have to change their *Gloves after EVERY client.

> *Gloves 1: It is not a recommendation to require gloves. 
When gloves are worn for infection control purposes, they must be changed with each service and that volume alone would be difficult to manage. Gloves worn all day, become more troublesome than no gloves at all.

It is recommended that stylists be more adherent to the existing rules regarding hand washing after and before each service. It is further recommended that the stylist washes hands in front of the client if the opportunity exists.

> *Gloves 2: There are two exceptions where gloves are recommended – nail services and facial services. Gloves are to be worn for only a single service and hands washed thoroughly after they are removed.
These new rules have been put in place to safeguard everyone.

 How To Now Book Your Appointments

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We’re Back Behind The Salon Chair Stronger Than Before! ✂️💪

K&KO Salon is Open! - Book Your Hair & Beauty Appointments Now 24/7 Online Or Call Us Today & Speak To a Human Voice!

  Please Email or Call Us If You Need Any Help/Advice - We're Here To Help!

Thank You All For Your Patience & Understanding

Stay Covid Free & Safe and Don’t Give Up On Hope!

Much Love & Respect from,

Boss Lady’s, Elli & Kay

& Our K&Ko Team


It’s Now Official - K&Ko Are a COVID Safe Salon!

You can tell all your family & friends it’s safe to get your hair & beauty done @ out K&K0 salon because Barnet Council Said So!

On 22nd October, our salon had a surprise COVID inspection from Barnet Council.

It’s reassuring that Barnet is safeguarding us all by spot-checking on businesses to make sure they are COVID compliant.

The inspectors were extremely thorough, they checked everything including, our KayandKompany COVID risk assessments.

We’re proud to say that Barnet inspectors were extremely satisfied with our salon.

We ticked all the COVID Compliant boxes for our Hair & Beauty industry and Barnet have labelled us a Covid-19 safe salon.


Important Info - How Appointments Will Now Be Conducted & Pricing 

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To Ensure Safe Social Distancing, we will have to limit the daily number of clients & team inside our salon.

Our salon is now working at approx. 50% less capacity so we may have to introduce a different pricing structure and some of our hair colour prices may vary.

We hope you will understand why we may have to do this and welcome any client feedback

> Clients are expected to pre-book their appointments.

> Some last minute ‘Walk-In’ appointments may be available. 

> Please come alone. (Please don't bring Children or Others to your appointment).

> We will stagger our appointments every 15 minutes so clients do not arrive at the same time.

> Due to health & safety, we will not be allowed to do Dry Cuts. All clients will have to have their hair washed because the hot water and shampoo acts the same as washing your hands, (you do not have to have a blow-dry after your haircut).

> After the appointment, each client will pay at reception, via either the debit/credit card reader or cash.

> Root regrowth colours will be charged at variable prices because for some, it will NOT be a normal regrowth, it will be an extended regrowth/root drag or a ‘Colour Correction’ from using DIY home box dyes and this will take up more time.

> Clients with Pre-booked Appointments who develop Coronavirus symptoms such as a high fever and/or dry cough, loss of taste and smell will have to reschedule their appointments for at least 10/14 days unless they provide us with a negative Covid test - No late cancelation fees will apply under these circumstances.

NHS Test and Trace - We are now subject to the COVID-19 Secure requirements in law and fines of up to £10,000 will be given to the business for repeated breaches.

Our salon now displays an official NHS QR code poster, so that clients and visitors can ‘check-in’ using this option.

Clients Do Not have to use the NHS QR code, but our salon MUST provide one.

We Now Have To Collect All Clients and Visitors Following Details:
  • The name of the client or visitor. If there is more than one person, then we can record the name of the ‘lead member’ of the group (of up to 6 people) and the number of people in that group
  • A contact phone number and email address for each client or visitor, or for the lead member of a group of people. If a phone number or email is not available, we will have to ask for a postal address
  • Date of visit, arrival time and, where possible, departure time
  • The name of the assigned team member, if a client or visitor will interact with only one member of staff (for example, their hairdresser). This should be recorded alongside the name of the customer or visitor
Our KayandKompany salon booking system is sufficient and quick in taking the above client details.

We have been informed that we should refuse entry to those who refuse to provide contact details.

Our salon must comply with these regulations to help keep people safe, to keep businesses open and to avoid huge fines.
We will communicate any further COVID updates (including, prices & hours) with our clients via social media, emails, texts, calls & our web.

You can help us along by staying in touch with us on our Social Media Platforms - Please Follow, Like and your Comments are Welcomed on our Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!

You will also find KayandKompany helpful tutorials on how to manage your hair at home!

Stay Safe, Keep Well and We Thank You for Your Patients and Understanding During These Uncertain Times

Team KayandKompany x

K&Ko Beauty Room Updates

>best hair and beauty salons in muswell hill london N10 | kayandkompany | organic hairdressers and beauty therapists Pavlina

The Beauty Room London is Now Open! 

Come Meet Pavlina our Excellent New Expert Head Senior Beauty and Body Aesthetic Therapists.

You will find Pavlina a true professional, a highly qualified and experienced senior beauty therapists who has achieved national and international qualifications in all aspects of beauty treatments and aesthetic therapies.

Pavlina is friendly, confidential, kind, caring and always delivers a high customer service with top quality beauty products for all her clients.

Beauty Room Opening Times
Mon: 9.15am - 6.15pm
Tues: 9.15am - 6.15pm
Wed: 9.15am - 6.15pm
Thur: 9.15am - 7.30pm (late night)
Fri: 9.15am - 7.30pm (late night)
Sat: 9am - 6.15pm
Sunday: Closed
You Can Now Book Your Beauty Appointments with Pavlina Via Our 24/7 Online Booking System 

Kay and Kompany 'DELIVEROOT' Home Haircolour Service

Are you struggling with your root regrowth/haircolour during this lockdown? If the answer is yes, then get in touch with Elli, click button above or private message her via our K&Ko Facebook page or Instagram. 

Elli has set-up a service called, ‘Deliveroot’ to help our clients to safely, DIY colour their roots/hair at home during lockdown. It is the same professional haircolour that we use in our salon on you - You can click and collect your Deliveroot haircolour kit from our salon, just get in touch with Elli to organize pick up.

The ‘Deliveroot’ Kit contains your Organic or Goldwell haircolour, developing lotion, bowl, brush, gloves and instructions on how to mix and apply. There is enough in the kit to do your root/haircolour twice if the need be. 

The cost of a ‘Deliveroot’ home service is £45 -  Payments can be made either by cash (on pickup) or via bank transfer payable to;
Acc: Name: Kay and Kompany
Acc No: 65090160
Sort Code: 60 15 20
Please use Ref: ’Deliveroot’ 

Please Note: For health & safety reasons this service is NOT available for New clients. It is only available to our regular, existing clients because we have their haircolour record card on file. Therefore, we know exactly what colour to give them.

Personal Message from Elli & Kay

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Our Kay and Kompany salon will try its best in helping to safeguard our clients and team in containing the spread of the coronavirus (which can be deadly for some folks). We know we can count on all of you to join us in this effort.

"It’s a very strange time for us and everyone at the moment, but K&KO have reopened in the best shape possible." - Kay x 

"We’ve missed you all and looking forward to seeing you back in our salon chair sooner rather than later! Hopefully, with a renewed strength, love and goodwill to each other in a more enlightened world." - Elli x

💛 Stay Safe, Keep Well, Stay In Touch, Love, Be Kind to Yourself & Each Other 💛

Best wishes, much love & respect,

Boss Lady's

Kay & Elli xx


For an award-winning salon with experienced top hairstylists and beauty therapists get in touch today 

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